News & Blog

A lot is happening here at 2826. Have a read of our latest news articles and blog posts for two way radio tips, insights and the latest product updates.

The 2826 Rookie's Guide To Two Way Radios: Part 9

Why are radios better than mobile phones? Aren't mobile phones enough? Why do you need a radio system? Isn't it just an extra cost I simply don't need? Read on to find out a two way radio system can be total game changer! Read more...
2826 Rookie's Guide Part 9

How radios power successful social distancing

Radios have supported businesses as they have opened, closed and reopened again during the global Coronavirus pandemic. These systems have enabled businesses to adapt to new ways of working... Read more...
Social distancing in shops

How two way radios can help you manage peak periods

At this time of year, with Black Friday, Christmas shopping and many retailers running sales and promotions, crowds are getting busier and queues are often longer. Read more...
Co-op and VoCoVo

How better communication can help you achieve your business goals

Communication plays a crucial part in any company's success, and understanding how important it is, is the first step. Read more...
Radio communications for manufacturing

What are the best two way radios?

There are so many makes, models and types of two way radios available on the market today that the choice can seem never-ending. Understand more about system requirements, features and any limitations... Read more...
Best Two Way Radios

What Radios Require a Licence?

While there are a number of 'licence free' radios (or walkie-talkies) available for modern uses, most businesses who use a two way radio system will be using a product that needs licensing. Read more...
Ofcom two way radio licence

Can two way radios be traced?

You may be interested in using two way radio communications to assist your organisation, but is it secure, and what are the benefits of GPS tracking in two way radios? Read more...
Professional two way radios

Top 4 ways VoCoVo wireless team communications can transform retail operations

Stores without walkie talkies depend upon colleagues looking for each other to answer customer questions, but VoCoVo allows staff to resolve queries on the spot. Read more...
wireless headset

Is it time to change your two way radios?

There are many reasons that it might be time to change your two way radios. Find out the top four signs that it's time to consider upgrading… Read more...
two way radio upgrades